Origin: Bellingham, Washington
Genres: Rock, Classical, Organ, Brass
Years: Active: 2008-2009 (As Jack McCarthy (JM) 2009 (As Tubatrombonekid), 2009
(As Tubakid), 2009-2011 (As Tubakid, Tubatrombonekid), 2011- (As Tubatrombonekid)
Label: Treeforest Studio Productions
Current Member
Tubatrombonekid (2009, 2010-)
Past Members
Jack McCarthy (2008-2009)
Tubakid (2009-2011)
Information About Tubatrombonekid
Tubatrombonekid (which comes from a combo Tuba (Jack’s main instrument), Trombone (was Jack’s Jazz Band Instrument) and Kid (at the time, he was just a kid). The name of the band started out as Jack McCarthy when Tubatrombonekid started recording his first album Spaceman Travels with the Devil released in 2008. He wrote a piece while he was practicing the coda of Hey Jude, which he used the chords from the coda to form a muliti movement piece known as The Pattern Song/Drum Solo/Ending the Pattern Song. Also during this time, he would write pieces like Dismal Sounds/The Crazy World of Love, Spaceman Travels with the Devil and the Life of a Cowboy in Desert Suns. The first two pieces were written in Video Production class for videos and not attending to use them for an album and the last one was written for fun, again not knowing it was going to be used for an album.
While Tubatrombonekid was attending Squalicum High School a friend of his was making music and releasing it online for people to hear. This is what got Tubatrombonekid the idea to start making albums. The first four albums were released under the Jack McCarthy name. After The Lights All Around Me album Tubatrombonekid looked up Jack McCarthy and noticed there were more than one musician with the name Jack McCarthy, this is when he decided to go with JM instead. The next album was self-titled JM before he decided to change the name of the band again. This time, he wanted to come up with a name that was unite and not original. At first he wanted to call his band trombonetubakid, but did not like the ring of it. Then he tried Tubakid which he would use later, then he tried Tubatrombonekid and decided that is what the new name shall be. He would re-release the album as Tubatrombonekid instead. While recording the album No Line on the Horizon which would be released two years later, Tubatrombonekid decided it was time to take a break. He released a single called Follow You When You Follow Me (Let It Be with You) which had a message that he was taking a break when he came back from his break, he would delete this single later when he got back into making music again.
Tubatrombonekid would return again but under a different name, he decided to go under Tubakid to release some different music that would not be compared to Tubatrombonekid. This was the first time that Tubakid would arrange music and not compose any pieces. In the long run, he would release two albums until he decided to reincorporate Tubatrombonekid in the band name that is combined the two names together to form Tubakid, Tubatrombonekid. At Whatcom Community College Tubakid, Tubatrombonekid would write some pieces for his music theory classes that he would submit in class, all the pieces he would just write down on paper and write it into his Sibelius program on his computer. He had so much material, he was able to release a couple of albums worth of music that he wrote for class. Tubakid, Tubatrombonekid would later claim that he was on a roll and didn’t want to stop the flow that was coming.
Once Tubakid, Tubatrombonekid was finished with his music theory classes, he decided to go back to using Tubatrombonekid which he is still using to this day. The first album that was released under the Tubatrombonekid was No Line on the Horizon, which was shelved for a couple of years. When he finally released the album, the track listing changed a little bit. When Tubatrombonekid arrived at Western Washington University, he would take more music theory class, which he had to write short pieces for class. At the same time, for fun, he would still write music. The album, That’s The Way Life Is, most of the pieces were just wrote down on paper and that was it. For the piece That’s The Way Life Is, which the chorus was written for an assignment for class. Tubatrombonekid liked the piece so much that would make it into a longer piece and when it was all set and done, turned out to be his favorite piece that he wrote. The album The Meaning of Life is a series of demos that Tubatrombonekid wrote hopefully make into longer tracks, but decided against it. When he released The Epic Adventures of Golden Arrow, it was the format of how The Meaning of Life was supposed to be; an album of tracks by Tubatrombonekid. Some tracks were written as Tubatrombonekid was practicing for his keyboarding class and by doing this he was just jamming away, coming up with ideas that he would incorporate into pieces later.
The newest piece that he wrote, he wrote it all on his keyboard, again he would jam until he found an idea that he liked and kept doing this until he had a verse, chorus, bridge, intro and outro. He would use these ideas to form the songs together which wasn’t normal for him to do. The early albums 2008-2009, (7 albums [Spaceman Travels with the Devi, Hymn Suite (1 song) (Tuba Solo), My Life in Laughville, Lights All around Me, Tubatrombonekid. Tales of the World of Music and Poles Apart]), 2011 (Three albums [No Line on the Horizon, Ice How Are Thee My Friend, and Winds Of The North, Tubatrombonekid would record pieces that he was playing on his keyboard against a prerecorded backing track. The first seven with a mike next to his keyboard and the last three the keyboard was hooked up to his computer. For the rest of the time, Tubatrombonekid would use Sibelius to write or arrange the music and use the computer to make a recording for him. Tubatrombonekid would recorded vocals for songs, but only released instrumentals instead, since he did not like hearing his voice. He is still active making music to this day and is still enjoying it.