All images are original cover art that has been changed a couple of times when I changed my logo.
Tubatrombonekid Part 1 (2008-2009)
Tubatrombonekid-Poles Apart, No Line on the Horizon Unreleased (No Singles)
Tubatrombonekid Part 1
The album Tubatrombonekid is pieces that I wrote the song titles first and then came up with the music afterwards. During the recording of the JM Album which would be called Tubatrombonekid. When I released it, I decided that I wanted a unique stage name which nobody had used yet. When I looked up my name, I saw other musicians using my name as well. Since I played Tuba and Trombone during this period, I decided to try to combine these to instruments into a name and to use kid at the end. since I tried Trombonetubakid and I did not like the ring of it and then tried Tubakid, which I would use later. The third time that I tried it, when I heard Tubatrombonekid, I went that is it that is the winner.
Also during this time, I would write That’s The Way the Waves Go, which was released as a standalone single.
Tales of the World of Music was an album that I recorded the music by jamming on my keyboard and I came up with the titles later. This was the first time that I would write a couple of long pieces.
Poles Apart. I was writing lyrics when I got bored at home or were watching TV. One of the songs Pie in the Sky was a name used for a restaurant in a Scooby-Doo episode. I liked the name and decided to make a song out of it. Cold As A Stone which is used in the lyric a U2 song called I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For and made a tune around the words.
I wrote and recorded the No Line on the Horizon album during this time. I wrote the lyrics on the bus, in class and at home. I was going to release this album, but I lost interest in making albums similar to what I have done before. I wanted to challenge myself and arrange music besides writing songs. Since I wanted to have the freedom to do this. I decided to put the name Tubatrombonekid to bed, and use a new name.
Follow You, Follow Me (Let It Be with You) which would appear on No Line on the Horizon a couple years later. It was released as a single to let his listeners know that he was taking a break. I deleted this single when I came back from my break.